Tuesday 31 January 2012

Great White North Indeed...

This, i should have started long ago...

I never thought i would actually move the The North. It was always a far off place in my mind, a blur on the map shall we say. Kind of like how the Americans view Canada. Although where i live "North" can actually be used lightly. Terrace is half-way up BC and close to the coast. If you were to drive another 12 hours straight North from Terrace, you would hit the Yukon. Now THATS North!
Small town living is so extremely different from "the big city" as people here like to call it. If you are from anywhere South of Merrit, they consider you from Vancouver. I stopped correcting people with "No actually, im from Langley" as soon as i realized it was all the same to them.
Terrace is a beautiful town, surrounded by majestic mountains and untouched territory. Summer night last until midnight, and dawn starts again at 4am. Mosquitos are the size of small birds and without repellant, you will be eaten alive. Northern mosquitos are out all day and will even bite through your jeans. (?!) I had my first encounter with a Black Fly one afternoon. I didn't even notice i had been bitten until i saw the trickle of blood dripping from my arm. It itched like a mosquito bite for 6 days!
People here are extremely friendly, always willing to lend a helping hand and just care about you in general. In fact, they care so much that if you tell someone what you ate for lunch that day, by one o'clock the whole town knows. People will ring you or stop you in the grocery store, starting their sentence with "I heard you..."
That is something i haven't yet gotten used to.
I have been able to do so much more here than i have in the city. Northerners delight in bon fires, couch burnings, fishing, hunting, jet skiing, snow mobiling, snow boarding, skeet shooting, range practice, and eating assorted meats that you definitely can't find down south.
Beaver meat.
Tried it.
Yes, you read that correctly. I ate beaver meat. i don't recommend it. I have also tried deer, moose, elk, ooligan, northern seaweed, sea lion and salmon. (im NOT a fish eater)
I bet your wondering what ooligan is. Its a nasty, greasy, super potent little fish that the Natives LOVE. I also don't recommend it.
I thoroughly enjoyed a White Christmas this year, it was lovely. Right now its still snowing from time to time and the snow piled high on the snow banks are reaching 8-10 feet in some places. No one can see past their drive ways, and up until a few days ago, i couldn't see across the street because the pile in the middle of the road was so high. The weather hasn't really been all that bad, minus the -45 with windchill we had for a week. I have never in my life experienced cold that intense. Colder than McDonald's deep freeze, if you could imagine. I keep asking when winter ends, and i get a laugh in return. Surely it can't be that bad?
Im feeling like my writing savvy is ending, and im staring at my Just Dance 3 game, hoping it will turn me into a dancing genius faster than i can say "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!" You know the song... think 80's.
Im out-

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I love this-and very well written! Looking forward to more posts and more adventure-sharing! Love you xoxoxo
