Saturday 4 February 2012

Bumper Cars

THAT is what living in this basement suite feels like. The closer it gets to getting the keys for our new house, the more i hate living here. 500 square feet is just not enough space to live. Some people may pull it off fine, but with ONE cupboard to store all your plates and kitchen accesories, its just not happening for me. Not to mention everytime i turn around in the "kitchen" something falls off the counter, or a shelf, or the makeshift island. Besides that, my favorite thing would have to be my bathroom fan. Everytime we flick on the bathroom light, the fan sounds like a jet engine headed straight for you. I can't even pee in silence! I try to mime my way through the bathroom in the middle of the night so i can avoid the ear deafening squeel, but most times end up walking into the shower door, thinking loose profanities as im forced to flick the light on. I have just given up on any sort of cleaning or tidyness, reasoning to myself that we are moving soon and frankly, i just dont really care!
In other news, i have been eating really well, and thanks to pro-biotics, my stomach is feeling much better. Although i have to say, tonight im trying my hardest not to eat at McDonalds, and its been a good while since i ate fast food. Not that i necessarily want fast food, there is just no food in my fridge, and i can feel a certain fun time of the month coming on. I tried squelching my McDonalds craving by eating rice crackers, but only got to the second cracker before i reached in for a third and found nothing in the box. Really?! come on! To top it all off nicely, there are things in my fridge that have been there for who knows how long and growing who knows what. Im putting off cleaning it, hoping Blake will wake up one morning with the grande idea of cleaning out the fridge. So far, no good. I guess i should go do it....... tomorrow.